Four Delicious Seasons in One Book!

This is a delightful and insightful recipe book from Dartmoor’s Fish Deli founders, Nick and Michele Legg. They have run their much-loved fish deli for over 15 years and have recorded the indigenous fish and the delicious dishes that each season brings throughout the year in this charming hardback. The recipes are illustrated by Alice Cleary in line and watercolour on paper verging on parchment. The book is a pleasure to read and the recipes are intelligent; potted, cured, seared, home-pickled and barbecued. And the choice of fish each season – all fished with sustainability as the figurehead. The book explains some fish and shellfish in more detail, outlines accompaniments, whilst each recipe is introduced with some context to help pick the right dish for every fishy occasion…

The book retails at £20 at the end of February and makes for a beautiful present – and more than just culinary it is interesting, educational and reflects of love and respect for fish, cooking and local seasonal produce. Buy online from Amazon – even better go and get it from the Deli itself, a grab your ingredients while you’re there!

The Fish Deli on-(fishing)line

