Liquorette’s Right Regal Cocktail Birthday Party

It is Liquorette’s first birthday and it cunningly coincides with the chic and intoxicating London Cocktail Week.

Like a scene from a Tarintino movie the approach to Liquorette in the buzzing borough of Fitzrovia, is neon and pumping – where is Travolta?

…back to W1 and 2019, and from the Tap Room up the stairs and where we reassuringly do find love as indicated by another one of the lightboxes flashing out the route to the first-floor bar.

We are welcomed into the horseshoe-shaped bar and consumed by the action in front of the rows of liquor bottles. This is theatre, and the cast is well versed in this performance, which is upside down, alight, effervescent, punctured and conspicuously partnered by Chivas 12, the smooth blended Scotch Whisky.

The Liquorette team are tight and there is a definite aura of instinctive professionalism, the light-hearted and celebratory atmosphere doesn’t detract from their precision and eyes on their guests’ needs.

This bar also offers up some pretty delicious flatbreads, generous and much-needed if we are going to celebrate our way through the five signature birthday cocktails…

Maybe the most remarkable cocktail in flavour and in presentation is the Chivas Mule Cha-Chunker – Chivas 12, the not so lesser-spotted Gingerella, Angostura bitters and lime – now as with most of these cocktails they are served in a can – but not as we know it – the bar has an industrial-sized tin can puncture, it’s a striking bar-top press that drills through the bottom of overturned cans of mixers – here the Gingerella, packed with ice, inverted Chivas miniature and a slice of bitters’ laden lime – it’s genius!

The head over heels theme continues with the Chivas Highball Cha-Chunker with Perrier and orange and the birthday is recognised with a massive cake, suitably over proportioned pyro-candles and a speech by boss lady Ellie.

More tunes from the DJ, more cans of Gingerella looking eagerly out from the bar…

We applaud the birthday cake but we really applaud the unique approach to cocktails here at Liquorette – it also delivers to your home, so let that be another Friday night to remember…

Meanwhile, we go Lowball, Rosé All day and – I am told (!) we also made the full house with an Elderflower Highball…

Fortunately as a well versed reviewer – I do know this much, the Chivas partnership is a smart one – as today, in a whole bowl of gin and rum this makes a really academic change and it is, as they say, a smooth and generous – it’s a great shot, on or off the rocks, inverted and/or extroverted, as the team are …and so will you be after a couple of hours of Liquorette hospitality.

It’s fun, it’s central and it’s perfect for a right Regal night out!

Drink In – Drink Out – Drink Up!




